Input Select

Input select is a Vue.js component acting like a default HTML <select> input, but with some specific feature (options styling, etc).

The input select component can be used has a standalone component or inside an input group select in association with an input--text.


With mobile first approach in mind, the Input Select displays a native <select> on screen of width below 992px (This value can be overwrited by specifying the mobileBreakpoint props), then It display the custom serenity version.

Standalone Select

Standard standalone input-select.

<label class="field__label" id="inputSelectExampleLabelId" for="inputSelectExampleId">Default Input Select:</label>
        {'value': 'select-value-01', 'label': 'Jenny'},
        {'value': 'select-value-02', 'label': 'Boby'},
        {'value': 'select-value-03', 'label': 'Bob'},
        {'value': 'select-value-04', 'label': 'John'},
        {'value': 'select-value-05', 'label': 'Jean', 'disabled': true},
        {'value': 'select-value-06', 'label': 'Robert'},
        {'value': 'select-value-07', 'label': 'Marie'},
        {'value': 'select-value-08', 'label': 'Marc'},
        {'value': 'select-value-09', 'label': 'Julie'}


Note that an option with a disabled key set to true will not be selectable.

Standalone Select with Grouping Options

Standard standalone input-select with Grouping Options. If value key of an entry of options props is an array, it will display an options group.

Only one level of grouping is possible.

<label class="field__label" id="inputSelectGroupingOptionsExampleLabelId" for="inputSelectGroupingOptionsExampleId">Default Input Select:</label>
            'value': [
                {'value': 'select-value-01', 'label': 'Jenny'},
                {'value': 'select-value-02', 'label': 'Boby'},
                {'value': 'select-value-03', 'label': 'Bob'},
                {'value': 'select-value-04', 'label': 'John'},
                {'value': 'select-value-05', 'label': 'Robert'},
            'label': 'Main name'
            'value': [
                {'value': 'select-value-06', 'label': 'Marie'},
                {'value': 'select-value-07', 'label': 'Marie Micheline'},
                {'value': 'select-value-08', 'label': 'Marc'},
                {'value': 'select-value-09', 'label': 'Julie'},
            'label': 'Secondary name'

Disabled and readonly

Select can be set to disabled or readonly, by using the boolean props (disabled/readonly).


Note that an readonly cannot be apply to native input select, in concequence the readonly mobile version of input select is equivalent to disabled.

<div class="sd-example">
    <div class="field">
    <div class="field">

Select size

Serenity provides a boolean prop (small) for small input select.

<label class="field__label" id="inputSelectSmallExampleLabelId" for="inputSelectSmallExampleId">Small Input Select:</label>
        {'value': 'select-value-01', 'label': 'Jenny'},
        {'value': 'select-value-02', 'label': 'Boby'},
        {'value': 'select-value-03', 'label': 'Bob'},
        {'value': 'select-value-04', 'label': 'John'},
        {'value': 'select-value-05', 'label': 'Jean', 'disabled': true},
        {'value': 'select-value-06', 'label': 'Robert'},
        {'value': 'select-value-07', 'label': 'Marie'},
        {'value': 'select-value-08', 'label': 'Marc'},
        {'value': 'select-value-09', 'label': 'Julie'}

Error messages

Select can be marked as invalid by setting the prop invalid (boolean) to true. This prop will display the select with a red border, and mark it as invalid.

Keep in mind that you should probably use this in combination with recommendation for field error messages. To link the select with the error message, use the prop inputErrorLabelId(string), refering to the error message id.

Error message for select

<div class="sd-example">
    <div class="field">
        <label class="field__label--error" id="inputSelectErrorLabelId" for="inputSelectErrorExampleId">Input Select With Errors:</label>
                {'value': 'select-value-01', 'label': 'Jenny'},
                {'value': 'select-value-02', 'label': 'Boby'},
                {'value': 'select-value-03', 'label': 'Bob'},
                {'value': 'select-value-04', 'label': 'John'},
                {'value': 'select-value-05', 'label': 'Jean', 'disabled': true},
                {'value': 'select-value-06', 'label': 'Robert'},
                {'value': 'select-value-07', 'label': 'Marie'},
                {'value': 'select-value-08', 'label': 'Marc'},
                {'value': 'select-value-09', 'label': 'Julie'}
        <p id="inputSelectErrorMessageId" class="field__message--error">Error message for select</p>


    id: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    options: {
        type: Array,
        required: true
    inputLabelId: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    value: {
        type: [String, Number],
        required: false,
        default: ""
    mobileBreakpoint: {
        type: String,
        required: false,
        default: "min-width: 992px"
    maxHeight: {
        type: Number,
        required: false,
        default: 300
    required: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false,
        default: false
    small: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false,
        default: false
    invalid: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false,
        default: false
    inputErrorLabelId: {
        type: String,
        required: false,
        default: ""
    disabled: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false,
        default: false
    readonly: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false,
        default: false

Required props:

  • id:

    A string used has base for various id inside the component.

  • options:

    An array of object containing a value and a label keys, where value, is the data that will be send to the form and label the value display to the user.

  • inputLabelId:

    A string use has an id for the input label (Use by aria-labbeledby attribute for accessibility purpose).

Optional props:

  • value:

    A string or number representing the current option (if it match the value key of one of the options).

  • mobileBreakpoint:

    default: min-width: 992px

    A string representing a mediaquery, use has a breakpoint by the component to define when the custom JS is display (or the mobile version).

  • maxHeight:

    default: 320

    A number use to define the max-height of the "select list". (Use to define the position of the box)

  • required:

    default: false

    A boolean that define if the element is required or not.

  • small:

    default: false

    A boolean that define if the element is small or not.

  • invalid:

    default: false

    A boolean that define if the element is invalid or not.

  • inputErrorLabelId:

    A string use refering to the id of the error message (Use by aria-labbeledby attribute for accessibility purpose).

  • disabled:

    default: false

    A boolean that define if the element is disabled or not.

  • readonly:

    default: false

    A boolean that define if the element is readonly or not.