

A field is the grouping of a label and an input. Enclose those within a div with the class field.

<div class="field">
    <label for="exampleInputId00" class="field__label">Field Label in group</label>
    <input id="exampleInputId00" class="input--text" value="text goes here">

Field Group

Field group can be used to group multiple fields inside a group. A field group is a container with the field-group class. A field group can contain a title, a description and an annotation-text.

A field label inside a field-group should use the field__label--ingroup class.

Field Group Title

Field Group description

Annotation text to provide extra information about an input or a field.

<div class="field-group">
    <h5 class="field__title">Field Group Title</h5>
    <p class="field__description">Field Group description</p>
    <div class="field">
        <label for="exampleInputId01" class="field__label--ingroup">Field label in group</label>
        <input id="exampleInputId01" class="input--text" value="text goes here">
        <p class="field__annotation-text">Annotation text to provide extra information about an input or a field.</p>
    <div class="field">
        <label for="exampleInputId02" class="field__label--ingroup">Field label in group</label>
        <input id="exampleInputId02" class="input--text" value="text goes here">

Field row

By default, each field will be displayed on each line. To display two fields side by side, use the field-row class on the enclosing div and the field-row__item class on each field.

For a more complex layout (3+ columns) or different layout per breakpoint, use the grid instead.

<div class="field-row">
    <div class="field-row__item">
        <label for="exampleInputId03" class="field__label">Label goes here</label>
        <input id="exampleInputId03" class="input--text" value="text goes here">
    <div class="field-row__item">
        <label for="exampleInputId04" class="field__label">Label goes here</label>
        <input id="exampleInputId04" class="input--text" value="text goes here">

Error messages

Fields can contain error messages (e.g. to show validation errors related to the input value). Add the class field__label--error to the label of the field and the class input--error to the field. Declare a tag containing these messages with the field__error class. Link the error tag and the input with an aria-labbelledby refering to the error tag id. Don't forget to add aria-invalid="true" on the input. The error message is prefixed by a "danger"-type icon.

Error message for input

<div class="field">
    <label id="exampleInput05LabelId" for="exampleInputId05" class="field__label--error">Label of the Input</label>
    <input id="exampleInputId05" class="input--text input--error" value="" aria-labelledby="exampleInput05LabelId exampleInput05ErrorId" aria-invalid="true">
    <p id="exampleInput05ErrorId" class="field__message--error">Error message for input</p>

Warning messages

Fields can contain warning messages (e.g. to show validation warning related to the input value). Declare a tag containing these messages with the field__warning class. Link the warning tag and the input with an aria-labbelledby refering to the warning tag id. Don't forget to add aria-invalid="true" on the input. The warning message is prefixed by a "exclamation"-type icon.

Warning message for input

<div class="field">
    <label id="exampleInput06LabelId" for="exampleInputId06" class="field__label">Label of the Input</label>
    <input id="exampleInputId06" class="input--text" value="" aria-labelledby="exampleInput06LabelId exampleInput06WarningId">
    <p id="exampleInput06WarningId" class="field__message--warning">Warning message for input</p>

Success messages

Fields can contain success messages (e.g. to show well right format value encoded related to the input value). Declare a tag containing these messages with the field__success class. Link the info tag and the input with an aria-labbelledby refering to the info tag id. Don't forget to add aria-invalid="true" on the input. The success message is prefixed by a "ok"-type icon.

Success message for input

<div class="field">
    <div class="field">
        <label id="exampleInput08LabelId" for="exampleInputId08" class="field__label">Label of the Input</label>
        <input id="exampleInputId08" class="input--text" value="" aria-labelledby="exampleInput08LabelId exampleInput08SuccessId">
        <p id="exampleInput08SuccessId" class="field__message--success">Success message for input</p>

Info messages

Fields can contain info messages (e.g. to show waiting format value related to the input value). Declare a tag containing these messages with the field__info class. Link the info tag and the input with an aria-labbelledby refering to the info tag id. Don't forget to add aria-invalid="true" on the input. The info message is prefixed by a "info"-type icon.

Info message for input

<div class="field">
    <label id="exampleInput07LabelId" for="exampleInputId07" class="field__label">Label of the Input</label>
    <input id="exampleInputId07" class="input--text" value="" aria-labelledby="exampleInput07LabelId exampleInput07InfoId">
    <p id="exampleInput07InfoId" class="field__message--info">Info message for input</p>

Optional Field Label

A field label can be notified as optional by adding an extra span with a field__label--optional class inside the label.

<div class="field">
    <label for="exampleInputLabelOptional00" class="field__label">Field Label <span class="field__label--optional">(optional)</span></label>
    <input id="exampleInputLabelOptional00" class="input--text" value="text goes here">

Extra Field Label

A field label can be enhanced with an extra span with a field__label--extra class inside the label to provide extra information.

<div class="field">
    <label for="exampleInputLabelExtra00" class="field__label">Field Label <span class="field__label--extra">(extra information)</span></label>
    <input id="exampleInputLabelExtra00" class="input--text" value="text goes here">



Declare text inputs with the input--text class.

<input class="input--text" value="text goes here">

An input-text can also be set has readonly or disabled.

<input class="input--text" readonly value="Readonly input">
<input class="input--text" disabled value="Disabled input">

Text area

Declare text area inputs with the input--textarea class.

<textarea class="input--textarea">Text goes here</textarea>

An input-text can also be set has readonly or disabled.

<textarea class="input--textarea" readonly>Readonly textarea</textarea>
<textarea class="input--textarea" disabled>Disabled textarea</textarea>


Enclose radio inputs within a container with the input--radio class. Then give the input--radio__label class to the label and the input--radio__input class to the input itself.

<div class="input--radio">
    <input id="exampleRadioId01" type="radio" value="01" name="inputRadioBox01" class="input--radio__input">
    <label for="exampleRadioId01" class="input--radio__label">Input radio</label>
<div class="input--radio">
    <input id="exampleRadioId02" type="radio" value="01" name="inputRadioBox02" class="input--radio__input" disabled="disabled">
    <label for="exampleRadioId02" class="input--radio__label">Disabled Input radio</label>

Radio group

Enclose multiple input--radio inside a field containter with the role="group" and a valid aria-labelledby attribute to indicate to assistive technologies that these input are part of the same group.

<div class="field" role="group" aria-labelledby="exampleRadioGroupId01">
    <label id="exampleRadioGroupId01" class="field__label">Field radios</label>
    <div class="input--radio">
        <input type="radio" value="01" name="inputRadioBox" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId03">
        <label for="exampleRadioId03" class="input--radio__label">Input radio</label>
    <div class="input--radio">
        <input type="radio" value="02" name="inputRadioBox" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId04">
        <label for="exampleRadioId04" class="input--radio__label">Input radio</label>
    <div class="input--radio">
        <input type="radio" value="03" name="inputRadioBox" class="input--radio__input" disabled="disabled" id="exampleRadioId05">
        <label for="exampleRadioId05" class="input--radio__label">Disabled Input radio</label>

Input radio group can contain error messages (e.g. to show validation errors related to check of the input radio group). Add the class input-error to the container of the input itself. Declare a tag containing these messages with the field__error class. Link the error tag and the input with an aria-labbelledby refering to the error tag id. Don't forget to add aria-invalid="true" on the input. The error message is prefixed by a "danger"-type icon.

Error message for input radio

<div class="field" role="group" aria-labelledby="exampleRadioGroupId02">
    <label id="exampleRadioGroupId02" class="field__label--error">Field radios with error</label>
    <div class="input--radio input--error">
        <input type="radio" value="03" name="inputRadioBoxError" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId06" aria-labelledby="exampleInputRadio01ErrorId exampleInput0Radio4LabelId" aria-invalid="true">
        <label id="exampleInput0Radio6LabelId" for="exampleRadioId06" class="input--radio__label">Input radio</label>
    <div class="input--radio input--error">
        <input type="radio" value="04" name="inputRadioBoxError" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId07" aria-labelledby="exampleInputRadio01ErrorId exampleInput0Radio5LabelId" aria-invalid="true">
        <label id="exampleInput0Radio7LabelId" for="exampleRadioId07" class="input--radio__label">Input radio</label>
    <p id="exampleInputRadio01ErrorId" class="field__error">Error message for input radio</p>

By default input--radio fields inside a group are stacked. If you want to display them inline, you can enclose them inside a field--ingroup--inline class.

Then use a field__label--ingroup--inlineclass on the label and a input--radio--inline class (in addition to input--radio) on each input.

<div role="group" aria-labelledby="exampleRadioGroupId002" class="field--ingroup--inline">
    <label id="exampleRadioGroupId002" class="field__label--ingroup--inline">Input radio group inline</label>
    <div class="input--ingroup--inline">
        <div class="input--radio input--radio--inline">
            <input type="radio" value="true" name="radioName" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId08">
            <label for="exampleRadioId08" class="input--radio__label">Input radio inline</label>
        <div class="input--radio input--radio--inline">
            <input type="radio" value="false" name="radioName" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId09">
            <label for="exampleRadioId09" class="input--radio__label">Input radio inline</label>
        <div class="input--radio input--radio--inline">
            <input type="radio" value="skip" name="radioName" class="input--radio__input" id="exampleRadioId10">
            <label for="exampleRadioId10" class="input--radio__label">Input radio inline</label>


Enclose checkbox inputs within a container with the input--checkbox class. Then give the input--checkbox__label class to the label and the input--checkbox__input class to the input itself.

An input checkbox can be checked adding the attribute checked="checked"to the input.

An input checkbox can be set has indeterminate, but it's impossible to do it with an html attribute. To do so, you need to set the element with Javascript.

inputInstance.indeterminate = true;

See more about Indeterminate checkbox on Mozzila Developer Network

<div class="input--checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkboxName01" class="input--checkbox__input" value="value" id="exampleCheckboxId01">
    <label for="exampleCheckboxId01" class="input--checkbox__label">Input Checkbox</label>
<div class="input--checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkboxName02" class="input--checkbox__input" value="value" id="exampleCheckboxId02" checked="checked">
    <label for="exampleCheckboxId02" class="input--checkbox__label">Checked Input Checkbox</label>
<div class="input--checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkboxName03" class="input--checkbox__input" value="value" disabled="disabled" id="exampleCheckboxId03">
    <label for="exampleCheckboxId03" class="input--checkbox__label">Disabled Input Checkbox</label>
<div class="input--checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkboxName04" class="input--checkbox__input" value="value" id="exampleCheckboxId04">
    <label for="exampleCheckboxId04" class="input--checkbox__label">Indeterminate Input Checkbox</label>

Input checkbox can contain error messages (e.g. to show validation errors related to check of the input checkbox group). Add the class input-error to the container of the input itself. Declare a tag containing these messages with the field__error class. Link the error tag and the input with an aria-labbelledby refering to the error tag id. Don't forget to add aria-invalid="true" on the input. The error message is prefixed by a "danger"-type icon.

Error message for input checkbox

<div class="field" aria-labelledby="exampleCheckboxId">
    <label id="exampleCheckboxId" class="field__label--error">Field checkbox with error</label>
   <div class="input--checkbox input--error">
       <input type="checkbox" name="checkboxName05" class="input--checkbox__input" value="value" id="exampleCheckboxId05"  aria-labelledby="exampleInputCheckbox01ErrorId exampleCheckboxId05" aria-invalid="true">
       <label for="exampleCheckboxId05" class="input--checkbox__label">Error Input Checkbox</label>
   <p id="exampleInputCheckbox01ErrorId" class="field__message--error">Error message for input checkbox</p>

Input Toggle

The toggle is a checkbox. It comes with the following features:

  • can be wrapped in <label class="toggle-label">, which provides minimal vertical alignment;
  • two sizes: the default is the “Big” one, and .toggle--small is the small one;
  • customizable space around the toggle checkbox, using classes and custom properties;
  • optional icons near the toggle;
  • support for checkboxes with an indeterminate state, disabled and aria-disabled;
  • a “waiting” state (.toggle--waiting), showing small bouncing dots;
  • motion.


This replaces the previous .input--switch component. Though it’s a breaking change, it was not used in any app. If you’ve used it in the past, you can replicate the same behaviour with the following replacement.

Toggle without label nor icons

The .toggle__checkbox element is the one shaping the visual toggle.

The default size is Big and the small one requires the .toggle--small class.

<!-- Default size -->
<div class="toggle">
    <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input">
    <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>

<!-- Small size -->
<div class="toggle toggle--small">  <!-- 👈  CSS class -->
    <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input">
    <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>

Toggle label and space around the toggle

The same in a label (.toggle-label). This class only helps with vertical alignment.

<label for="exampleToggleMinimalSmall" class="toggle-label">
    I’m the label and there’s no space before the checkbox.
    <div class="toggle toggle--small">
        <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleMinimalSmall">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>

The previous example lacks of space around the checkbox, which can be solved using .toggle--margin-right or .toggle--margin-left to set a default margin (8px). To customize the space between the toggle and its label, use the following custom properties: --toggle-margin-right and --toggle-margin-left.

<!-- No space -->
<label for="exampleToggleMinimalNoSpace" class="toggle-label">
    <div class="toggle">
        <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleMinimalNoSpace">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>
    <span>I’m a label and there’s <strong>no space before the checkbox</strong></span>.

<!-- Default space -->
<label for="exampleToggleWithDefaultSpace" class="toggle-label">
    <div class="toggle toggle--margin-right"> <!-- 👈  CSS class -->
        <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleWithDefaultSpace">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>
    <span>I’m a label on the left with <strong>default space</strong> on the right.</span>

<!-- Custom space -->
<label for="exampleToggleWithCustomSpace" class="toggle-label">
    <div class="toggle" style="--toggle-margin-left: 3rem;"> <!-- 👈  CSS custom property -->
        <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleWithCustomSpace">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>
    <span>I’m a label on the left with <strong>custom space</strong> on the right.</span>

In the previous examples, the label is after the .toggle. To accomplish that, change the HTML order.

Toggle icons and waiting state

With icons and bouncing dots (you won’t see them bouncing here):

<label for="exampleToggleWithMostFeatures" class="toggle-label">
    I’m a label
    <div class="toggle toggle--margin-right">
        <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleWithMostFeatures">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox">
            <!-- Check icon ✔️ -->
            <svg class="toggle__svg toggle__svg--check" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 12 9" width="20" height="15" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M1 5.5L3.43934 7.93934L10.3787 1"/></svg>
            <!-- Cross icon ✖️ -->
            <svg class="toggle__svg toggle__svg--cross" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 10 10" width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M1.06 1 9 8.94"/><path d="M1 8.94 8.94 1"/></svg>
            <!-- Bouncing dots ••• -->
            <span class="toggle__bouncing-dots">
                <span class="toggle__bouncing-dot"></span>

To put the toggle in a waiting state:

  • use the toggle--waiting class;
  • add aria-disabled="true" (or disabled);
  • use JavaScript to set element.indeterminate to true;
  • make sure the HTML contains the .toggle__bouncing-dots element in the visual checkbox.

Once the waiting state is over, reverse the 3 first step.

<label for="exampleToggleIdWaiting" class="toggle-label">
    I’m a label
    <div class="toggle toggle--margin-right toggle--waiting"> <!-- 👈  CSS class -->
        <input type="checkbox" disabled class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleIdWaiting">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox">
            <span class="toggle__bouncing-dots">
                <span class="toggle__bouncing-dot"></span>

Indeterminate toggle

A toggle can be in an indeterminate state without being disabled or in a waiting state:

<label for="exampleToggleIndeterminate" class="toggle-label">
    I’m a label
    <div class="toggle toggle--small toggle--margin-right">
        <input type="checkbox" class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleIndeterminate">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>

Disabled toggle

And finally, a disabled unchecked toggle:

<label for="exampleToggleDisabled" class="toggle-label">
    I’m a label
    <div class="toggle toggle--margin-right">
        <!-- `disabled` attribute 👇 -->
        <input type="checkbox" disabled class="toggle__input" id="exampleToggleDisabled">
        <span class="toggle__checkbox"></span>

If for some reason you can’t access the HTML (when the toggle is a framework component, for example) and you don’t want the icons, you can still use the toggle--no-icons CSS class.

Input Group

Input Group are a group of two (or more) components (input or not) inside one main element.

Input Group Prepend

Input Group Prepend, allow you to add a text block before an input--text.

<div class="field">
    <label id="inputGroupPrependLabel" for="inputGroupPrependExample" class="field__label">Input Group Label</label>
    <div class="input-group input-group--prepend">
        <input id="inputGroupPrependExample" name="inputGroupPrependName" type="text" placeholder="Placeholder" aria-labelledby="inputGroupPrependLabel inputGroupPrependPrefix" class="input-group__main--prepend input--text">
        <div id="inputGroupPrependPrefix" class="input-group__prepend">
            <abbr title="Belgium" class="input-group__abbr">Be</abbr>

Input Group Append

Input Group Append, allow you to add a text block after an input--text.

<div class="field">
    <label for="inputGroupApendExample" id="inputGroupApendLabel" class="field__label">Input Group Append</label>
    <div class="input-group input-group--append">
        <input id="inputGroupApendExample" name="inputGroupApendName" type="text" placeholder="Placeholder" aria-labelledby="inputGroupApendLabel inputGroupAppendSuffix" class="input-group__main--append input--text">
        <div id="inputGroupAppendSuffix" class="input-group__append">
            <abbr title="Belgium" class="input-group__abbr">Be</abbr>

Input modal theme

Input also exists in a "modal" theme variation.

The "modal" theme works better inside a very light blue background component.

<div class="field">
    <label for="exampleInputId09" class="field__label">Field Label in group</label>
    <input id="exampleInputId09" class="input--text input--modal" value="text goes here">